We have had some questions about the other kids, it seems that we have blogged about Ashley and Nathan but not Lindsey, Maggey or Abbey.
Lindsey is enjoying a few weeks of summer before the intense band practices start. She did have a "clinic" last Saturday all day, 7am-8pm. For those who don't know what we are talking about, in American Fork the High School Marching Band is cool. You heard me COOL! Lindsey plays the flute and she loves every sweating second of the band. The AF Band has actually won the Utah State title for 15 years in a row and they have been invited to a big national competition this fall. I know it sounds kinda nerdy, but it is a big deal here, bigger than football. Anyway, she will be starting up practices every weekday soon, and some weekends as well.
She is also trying to earn money for her band trip, so if anyone out there has yard work, babysitting, or other projects that she could help with(and you can pay:))...let us know!!! Also she can sell a Domino's Pizza Discount card to anyone who is interested. It is good anytime at any Domino's, $10.00. Let us know if you want one.
Maggey is sad because school is out. She thinks summer should be 3 weeks long, not 3 months. She says it is too long and she misses her teacher. (She had a wonderful teacher!) Anyway, she has been busy riding her bike over to our church building and riding around the parking lot. Her "Best" friend (besides Abbey) Sydney lives across the street and they pretty much play together every day, all day. Bikes, hopscotch, jump ropes, and of course the kitty, Max are their main sources of entertainment.
Abbey is happy to be outside every minute of every day. She likes to go to Nathan's baseball games (not to watch Nathan, but to by candy for only a penny!). She's a regular at the candy shack! She is likes to ride bikes at the church with Maggey. She loves the cat too and spends a lot of time packing him around (when he lets her) and "helping" him climb our tree. She to is "BEST" friends with Sydney and plays all day with her and Jack, Sydney's little brother. Abbey has asked for a little brother here and there (NO WAY!) and so I tell her to just borrow Jack. Anyway they all play pretty good together and seem to enjoy it. She misses school too, and thinks summer is too long to be away from her teacher.(Her teacher was great too!) She is trying to convince her Dad to take her camping by themselves this summer. I am not sure if that will be possible, I am leaving that up to Bartley.
1 comment:
Hey there Elder Nicholes! Great site! Thanks for sharing. You have a good looking family.
Next time we are in Utah we'll have to get together.
Do you remember your first night in the mission field? Dinner with the Cooks. Crazy stuff.
Talk to you later.
James (aka Elder Jenkins)
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