Hello Friends and Family.....
Some of you may be the second or third or fourth child in your family. If so, you might remember feeling like you always had to play second fiddle to the older child(ren). Ashley has expressed a deep need to be seen and heard above the roar that is Lindsey's super cool teenage life. So this post is dedicated to Ashley....
Top Ten Reasons to Celebrate YOU!!!!
1-You have more natural music abilities in your little finger, than most people in the world.
2- You are the BEST babysitter in the world! (From sources other than mom)
3- You are gorgeous, your skin (flawless), your eyes (WOW!), not everyone is that lucky! (At your age I had more zits than teeth! Gross!)
4- You are smart (straight A's) again WOW!
5- You are kind and giving, you have a good heart. (think Lindsey and your "donations" and your choir concert that had you in tears.)
6- You are so stinking creative. Who would have thought to use clear nail polish and glitter, and then give all your sisters a BLING! BLING! pedicure. Your scrapbook ideas, WOW! Your handwriting, WOW! Don't forget your art projects that went way above the normal and average!
7- You make things happen. Ashley, you work hard to get what you want. again, WOW!
8- You are great at debate! In fact I won't be surprised if you become a lawyer or a politician. Maybe one day you will be President of the United States. :) ( Promise me that I can come for Christmas!)
9- You are great at being the boss. See #8
10- You are a good sister. You know every one's secrets and you won't tell a soul, even mom or dad.
If I have left anything out, please leave a comment! Ashley will appreciate any comments, especially from non-parent type people who are cooler and know so much more....
Some of you may be the second or third or fourth child in your family. If so, you might remember feeling like you always had to play second fiddle to the older child(ren). Ashley has expressed a deep need to be seen and heard above the roar that is Lindsey's super cool teenage life. So this post is dedicated to Ashley....
Top Ten Reasons to Celebrate YOU!!!!
1-You have more natural music abilities in your little finger, than most people in the world.
2- You are the BEST babysitter in the world! (From sources other than mom)
3- You are gorgeous, your skin (flawless), your eyes (WOW!), not everyone is that lucky! (At your age I had more zits than teeth! Gross!)
4- You are smart (straight A's) again WOW!
5- You are kind and giving, you have a good heart. (think Lindsey and your "donations" and your choir concert that had you in tears.)
6- You are so stinking creative. Who would have thought to use clear nail polish and glitter, and then give all your sisters a BLING! BLING! pedicure. Your scrapbook ideas, WOW! Your handwriting, WOW! Don't forget your art projects that went way above the normal and average!
7- You make things happen. Ashley, you work hard to get what you want. again, WOW!
8- You are great at debate! In fact I won't be surprised if you become a lawyer or a politician. Maybe one day you will be President of the United States. :) ( Promise me that I can come for Christmas!)
9- You are great at being the boss. See #8
10- You are a good sister. You know every one's secrets and you won't tell a soul, even mom or dad.
If I have left anything out, please leave a comment! Ashley will appreciate any comments, especially from non-parent type people who are cooler and know so much more....
Ashley is not only the coolest cousin that's in junior high. She's so fun to be with. Who's more loving than she is? All of the kids always love being with her at family parties! It's so fun to listen to all of her stories! Other than being messy with the discarded pile in Five Crowns, she's so fun to play with! ;-) Love ya Ash!
Ashley is amazing cause.....
1. She can make everyone smiile:)
making gray skies blue!
2. She is very talented when it comes to music!
3. I know she will be a great mother someday because of how much she loves children and they love her back!
4. She dresses modestly which is hard to do in todays world!
5. My favorite thing about Ashley is that she is a daughter of our Heavenly Father and she knows it! She is a great example to me with her standards and morals!
I love you Ashley!
Ashley is such a sweetheart and can always put a smile on my face!
Ashley, you just make the world a better place!!!
:) happy day! I miss you Ashley lol. You rock my world! Ya! :D Love you ♥
I LOVE Ashley! WE miss all of you guys, but she was always so nice! Luv ya!
I think Ashley is incredible! I'm glad there is a blog post to celebrate how amazing and talented she is. Here here to everything you said!
Ashley, don't ever change. We love you the way you are. I don't know many people who can light up a room the second they walk in. You're a sweetheart!
SO yes I am kinda late putting this out here, but we just got back. I have to second everything everyone has said about Ashley. She is awesome!!! I was SO glad to be able to see her when we went to Bart's class, and then have lunch with her. (shh...don't tell the others :). heehee). Ashley, you...are...AWESOME!! Love you!
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