I thought the movie was good, it followed the book well. I will say that the book is better, as always just because there is so much info in the book than can be covered in the movie. If you haven't read the book, you won't understand most of the movie. I read the book about a year ago, and it took me a few minutes to figure out some of what was actually going on.
It was fun to be there with the entire theater full of women. There were a few guys there who were obviously there with husbands/boyfriends, most of whom looked like they were bribed to be there.:)
We did still have to wait in line for over an hour, but it wasn't midnight, so I was happy to do it! I am glad Lindsey and Ashley allowed me to go, it was fun to spend some time with them.
At least you didn't stand in line for 2 hours the night it came out and failed to get tickets. That was the story of my life haha. But we got tickets for that day anyway, so I was okay lol.
i liked it a lot!! It was fun to see:)
That was the best movie I've ever seen! I loved it so so much!!!
I bet you will be interested to know that Ben actually wanted to see the movie too...when I read the books, I kept telling him about them and he got tired of it and decided to read them himself and liked them. So I actually had a husband with me who I didn't have to bribe, and who quite possibly loved to movie more than I did....I'm sure he won't admit that to you though! ha ha :)
Hey mom thanks for coming with me it was really fun
love ya ashley
Jen, did you say that there were a few guys there "with husbands/boyfriends"? I'm pretty sure those guys WERE with THEIR husbands and boyfriends.;-) Unless of course they are as big of a weenie as Ben is (Cherese you sold him out, don't think that this will go unpunished, they boys will LOVE this)! Thanks for the dirt!
---Andy Vigue
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