First, a little background. Our wonderful friends David and Amy Powell invited us to go with them. David and I grew up in the same ward, and since junior high we have been friends. We have lots of fun memories, my favoirte is our entire Sunday School class (I think there were 12 or so of us) went to his house during Sunday School time, (long story, we scared off MANY teachers) and ate doughnuts on a regular basis.*gasp!* The jury is still out if our parents knew... David and I both went to Snow College, and since I had a car and he didn't, we spent many weekends driving back and forth together. One last note about David, his mom was one of my beloved Young Women leaders, and she made me promise that I would take good care of him while he was away from home.(I did..keep reading) Amy is my room-mate from Snow College. We had never met before then, but quickly realized we are "kindred spirits" and became life long friends. I of course made sure that they both met, and as they say.... the rest is history. David's room-mate happened to be Bartley, and we all have lived happily after.
We drove down to LA together, and laughed and talked the whole way. Thanks, Dave for all the driving! It was awe inspiring to finally get to the port and see the HUGE ship we were about to board.
Soon we were off! There are so many things to do and see... The ship had a miniature golf course at the back, on the top deck. Bart and I headed there for some fun! It was a little cold and windy, but we had a blast despite the weather!
Our first stop was Cabo San Lucas. Looked beautiful and quaint, but we happened to be lucky enough to be there during a rainy day. Apparently, it only rains on average three days a year. Bart and I took a tender and went to see what there is to see. We had fun walking in the wasn't cold just wet. The streets were flooded. We picked up some fun stuff for the kids and just enjoyed each other's company.
On our way we walked past an open air restaurant, (almost completely empty) and saw this little boat.
I jumped a little when we walked up to it and saw these.....
This was clear in my mind as the waiter cracked open the lobster tail at dinner the last night of the cruise....
This was our first sunset...breathtaking. Dave and Amy had a room with a balcony. Our room was conveniently right across the hall. They were very gracious and shared often their luxury. I highly recommend going on a cruse with friends who will share their balcony. All the benefits of the great view, with out the cost!
The next day the ship docked in Mazatlan. Bart and I tried to find an excursion that we both wanted to do, and could afford, but we just came up with nothing. The port is in an industrial and kind of scary area, with armed army soldiers everywhere. We decided walking around and finding an adventure may turn into a we stayed on the ship. It was fabulous! Most of the passengers got off the ship, the weather was fabulous, and so we took advantage of the peace and quiet and laid up on the deck, reading books, napping, and taking advantage of the yummy tropical(non-alcoholic) drinks available. AAAAHHH! it was fabulous. The above picture was my view from my lounge chair. 

This picture is just another view from my "perch" on the deck. Notice how empty all the chairs were! This was my favorite day! No worries, no demands, just me a good book and my best friend right there with me! It doesn't get any better!
Every night when we returned from dinner there was another "towel" animal sitting or hanging on our bed. This one was my favorite. Just another reason a cruise is so much fun!
This was our sunset leaving Mazatlan. MY FAVORITE!
The next day we arrived in Puerto Vallarta. We decided to go to a resort with a private beach. We traveled by bus to this resort, it was goregous! Green and well landscaped, with beautiful architecture.
The one downside was the rain! It poured for a few hours. We used the rain for an excuse and ate lunch while we hoped it would clear up some. I think I may want to come back to this resort someday. It was well cared for and beautiful as you can see!
After it cleared up, it tried to get warm but never really succeeded. We did wade out into the ocean a little...Happy 20th Anniversary! The resort day was Bartley's gift to me for our anniversary. Thanks, honey it was great!
Our last Mexican sunset.....
The four of us after dinner....
Once again a special thank you to Dave and Aim, you guys are the best! Thanks for the comfortable friendship we share, we love you both!
We really enjoyed ourselves, and we are already figuring out where to go next.
I'm glad that you had a good time!!! I've got a cruise fund set aside for Brian and I to go one day. Love the pics!!!!
The pictures are beautiful!!! Looks like so much fun! Glad you guys could go and get away with just the two of you. :)
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