This last weekend we were able to have a Hansen Family Reunion. Everyone except my brother-in-law Dan was able to attend.(We MISSED you Dan!) It was good to get together and spend time with everyone. Here are a few highlights.....
Swimming in Grandma and Grandpa's pool was number one on all the kids list....they jumped in first thing!
After dinner and swimming was over it was on to the "Circle Game". Those of you who are Murdock's will recognize the blindfolds, searching for surprises, etc. Those of you who are not Murdock's will have to ask us about it.....it is FUN! Check out Abbey's loot!
We had an outdoor movie, which was fun until it rained.....
We slept out in the backyard at my parents house, we were supposed to "sleep under the stars", but due to the rain, we slept in tents instead. The kids thought this was the BEST!
We also played "Tennis Racket Baseball" which was a blast! It was fun to get out and just play with everyone.
We had a pre-reunion "Girl Day" on Thursday. SO MUCH FUN! All of the girls went shopping and out to lunch. Thanks Ashley for the babysitting! I had to throw in the picture of Ruth and Julie wearing the same shirts.......
What my parents have been telling me my whole life.....is TRUE! My brothers and sisters are my friends (SURPRISE!). I am so lucky to have such great siblings, I would be lost without them. Thanks for all you do for me and my family, I love you all!