Kids Christmas Eve with Christmas pillowcases thanks Grandma Mary.

Reading the Polar Express Christmas Eve.

Ashley got a digital camera! Yahoo!

Lindsey crashed out after all the Christmas excitement.

Maggey had her Christmas dreams come true. She raked in the Littlest Pet Shop, here they all are loaded onto her belt loops...

All the kids ready for bed on Christmas Eve. Thanks Grandma Mary for the pj's!

Nathan as a wise man in the Nativity at Grandma JaNae's.

I had to include this picture of Grandpa Ross... If anyone is wondering where Bartley got his sense of humor,this picture alone should be the answer.

Ashley, Lindsey, Nathan and the other Nicholes cousins, played the bells for us at Grandma JaNae's house Christmas Eve. Every year the kids do a musical number for the adults. Thanks Aunt Colleen for putting this together!

We had ton's of snow on Christmas Morning!!! We actually have had a lot of snow in the last few weeks. Our neighbors have a four wheeler with a plow, and they plowed out the street in front of our driveway, and made a HUGE pile of snow. Good thing too, cause Santa brought Maggey a brand new sled! Maggey and Abbey had their own personal sledding hill right in our front yard. They played outside for hours and hours. :)